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💰💰💰Your Network is Your Networth!

Feb 24, 2024

💰💰💰Your Network is Your Networth!


I used to think this was related to how much money you had, but over time, it’s come to mean the people in your life, the relationships you make, the resources you have to solve more problems, and the inner worth you feel from a servant's heart…


Here’s where it all began, Networking Events with the Homebuilding Industry…


Tonight is my first California BIA event in years…


It’s where I first began to realize the power of building positive relationships…


When I first started going, it was half meeting people in the industry and half because that’s what I was told to do…Get Involved


I was nervous…


I was shy…


I stood in the corner…


I only talked to the one person I knew…


And then I realized, so were a lot of other people that were there…


Instead of being the shy guy waiting for someone to talk to me, I started being the person who talked to the other shy people…


Turns out, talking to people wasn’t so hard…


When you focused on making them feel comfortable…


When you focused on finding out what they did…


When you focused on finding a way to support them…


It was a lot easier to feel at ease at networking events…


And then the Magic happened…


When building my network became a priority, opportunities appeared everywhere…


Any problem that came up, I knew the person with a solution…


Networking works, when you make it about the other person…


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💰💰💰Your Network is Your Networth!

Feb 24, 2024